Vi mettiamo a disposizione il testo originale delle ultime considerazioni dello Yokozuna Deliberation Council, apparse oggi, affinchè possiate prendere visione diretta delle dichiarazioni riportate. E’ evidente l’incidenza dell’infortunio patito da Asashoryu, così come risulta chiara l’intenzione di portare Tochiazuma alla promozione a Yokozuna il più presto possibile. Ecco il report:
YDC comments on Tochiazuma, Asashoryu, and Kotooshu
“You have to clearly differentiate between Asashoryu’s sumo before he was injured and after he was injured,” said Ms. Uchidate, surprisingly sympathetic towards the Yokozuna. “We are hoping for the birth of a Japanese Yokozuna. I’d like Tochiazuma to go in that direction. If he gets 13 wins and a yusho he will be certain of the promotion, ” added Chairman Ishibashi. As for Asashoryu, he said : “His 11-4 performance was unavoidable after he suffered that accident [on day 12]”. Takasago-oyakata revealed today that Asashoryu suffered a muscle tear in his upper right arm on day 12. Regarding Kotooshu, Chairman Ishibashi commented, “His hips are still too high. As a shin-Ozeki, he just barely fulfilled the obligation of an Ozeki.” Kitanoumi rijicho: ” If Tochiazuma gets a 13-2 record and loses in a playoff, it should be enough for a promotion.” There is even a general agreement among YDC members that a 12-3 yusho will be enough.